Cholo Bangladesh is synonymous to inspiration and celebration. It’s no longer confined only within cricket, rather it’s an asset we use to celebrate national progress. Be it winning matches or having national instrastructural development or even winning global competitions, we shout Cholo Bangladesh and celebrate the victory. Let’s have a look how people like you are contributing to make Bangladesh the ‘Progressive and Smart Bangladesh’
Get Cholo Bangladesh exclusive edition t-shirts and sneakers co-created with our partners Fabrilife and Apex
We are not alone in the journey. Major brands across different industries are immensely collaborating to make #CholoBangladesh a great success
Bangladeshi Young Star
Let’s hear from the young minds who are building the Smart and Progressive Bangladesh
Know the story of next Shakib Al Hasan!
A bunch of students from BUET are ready to set camp in Mars!
Story of a spirited gamer, who is taking Bangladesh to a new height!
One day I will play World Cup for Bangladesh
A village of Freelancers!
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